A computer laptop icon with blocks flying out of it

Strategic Communications

What’s the most effective way to talk about welcoming people seeking safety? How do we ensure that more Americans support policies that are inclusive of refugees and other newcomers?

The Refugee Advocacy Lab’s strategic communications team works to answer these questions, share resources, and persuade and mobilize diverse audiences while centering refugees and other forcibly displaced people as key messengers.

Evidence-Based Research

Based on years of extensive qualitative and quantitative research, the Lab offers evidence-based messaging advice and communications strategies to help increase support for refugee inclusion.

The Refugee Storytellers Collective

The Refugee Storytellers Collective ​​is a refugee-driven initiative of people in the United States who have experienced forced displacement and believe in the power of sharing their perspectives, experiences, and stories for social change.

The Lab provides opportunities for members to influence the public debate by engaging in events, workshops, media interviews, campaigns, and more.

Refugees in the Public Conversation

The Lab works to elevate the perspectives of refugees and other forcibly displaced people in the conversations that matter the most.

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